Tuesday, January 27, 2009

International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Engineering

The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2009)
 November 27-28, 2009, Hasselt University Hasselt, Belgium

Organizing Committee Chair
K. Vanhoof (UHasselt, Diepenbeek, Belgium)

Program Committee Chairs
G. Wets (UHasselt, Diepenbeek, Belgium)
T. Li (SWJTU, Chengdu, China)

Scope of Conference 2009 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2009) is the fourth in a series of conferences on ISKE. It follows the successful ISKE2006 in Shanghai, ISKE2007 in Chengdu, and ISKE2008 in Xiamen, China. ISKE2009 in Hasselt, Belgium, once again provides a forum for researchers and practitioners involved in different but related domains to confront research results and discuss key issues in Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering.

The major topics include, but not limited to:
AI and expert systems
Decision support systems
Cognitive science
Data mining and data analysis
Eservice intelligence
Soft computing techniques
Computational intelligence
Intelligent information processing
Machine learning and natural language processing
Web intelligence
Ebusiness information management
Transportation modelling and intelligent transportation systems
Intelligent logistics
Ubiquitous and intelligent systems
Policy and decision support

Invited plenary speakers:
H.J. Zimmermann (INFORM, Aachen, Germany)
J. Kacprzyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)
L.A. Zadeh (UC Berkeley, CA, USA)

Submission of Papers
Papers reporting original research results and experience are solicited. Each paper, written in English, should be no more than 6 pages in a book form titled "Intelligent Decision Making Systems" of World Scientific Proceedings Series, including references and Illustrations. Esubmissions in PDF format are strongly recommended. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present the paper.

Web Submission: http://iske2009.uhasselt.be/

All submitted papers will be reviewed by program committee members and selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentations. Accepted papers will be published in the World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science submitted for the ISI proceedings index and EI index by the publisher. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit revised and expanded version of their papers to be considered for publication in international journals.

Ms. Tamara Dewalque Hasselt University Transportation Research Institute Wetenschapspark, 5 bus 6 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium Phone:+32 (0)11 26 91 01, Fax:+32 (0)11 26 91 99
Email: iske2009@uhasselt.be

Important dates Paper submissions: April 15, 2009 Acceptance letter: June 15, 2009 Final papers submissions: July 15, 2009 Author registration: July 15, 2009

Conference registration fees: Regular author: 345 Euro Student author: 295 Euro Both regular and student author registration fees include:
  • Publication of the accepted paper with a copy of the World Scientific proceedings book (to be in the ISI proceedings)
  • All conference sessions' attendances with conference program and other conference facilities
  • Welcome reception, 2day lunches, all coffee breaks with refreshments, and conference dinner
  • 2day Hasselt transport pass and related social activities
  • Special Issues of International Journals for ISKE2009: International Journal of Intelligent Systems International Journal of Information Theories & Applications International Journal of Information Technologies & Knowledge International Journal of Innovation and Learning

Sunday, January 25, 2009


15th Annual Media Conference
April 15-17, 2009,
Novotel, Bruges, Belgium,

GENERAL CONFERENCE CHAIR: Jeanne Schreurs, Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium
SPONSORS: EUROSIS, University Hasselt, Delft University of Technology, Belgacom, TTVI, Ghent University, DG-INFSO

The 2009 EUROMEDIA conference covers the latest developments in web-multimedia and communications technology while also looking at their implementation in Broadband networking, mobile computing, and broadband networking, distributed computing, telematics, E-technology and real world environments like embedded systems, security systems and training systems. New topics are human computer interaction with a focus on the interaction of users with multimodal interfaces and the usability and experiences of users with multimodal systems based on different media. The EUROMEDIA conference is held concurrently with the ECEC and FUBUTEC conferences.
The conference is structured around 5 tracks: WEBTEC, which deals with web technology-COMTEC, which covers communications technology-MEDIATEC, which covers multimedia technology-APTEC, which provides an overview of media-integration and ETEC, which covers electronic commerce. The conference also features special WORKSHOPS on E-Business, D-TV, Medical Imaging, Facial and Biometric Recognition, Computer Graphics and Cyber Security.

Send all submissions in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY in (zipped) Microsoft Word format, PDF format indicating the designated track and type of submission (full paper or an extended abstract) to EUROSIS, For submissions also please put in the subject in your Email to Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org, the following indications: EUROMEDIA 2009 and designated track or USE THE THEMES or WORKSHOPS pages! Please also provide your name, affiliation, full mailing address, telephone /fax number and Email address on all submissions as well. Only original papers, which have not been published elsewhere, will be accepted for publication

Submission Deadline: February 5, 2009.
February 15, 2009: Notification of Acceptance or Rejection.
March 20, 2009: Authors Provide Camera-ready Manuscript.

Friday, January 23, 2009

E-Learn 2009

E-Learn 2009
World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,
Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education
October 26-30, 2009
Vancouver, BC Canada

(Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre)

** Submission Deadline: April 29, 2009 **

Organized by:
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
(http://www.aace.org )
Co-sponsored by:
International Journal on E-Learning
( http://www.aace.org/pubs/ijel)

All presentation proposals are peer reviewed and selected by three reviewers on the respected international Program Committee for inclusion in the conference program, proceedings book, and CD-ROM proceedings.

* Keynote Speakers
* Invited Panels/Speakers
* Papers
* Best Practice Sessions
* Roundtables
* Demonstrations/Posters
* Research/Technical Showcases
* Products/Services Showcases
* Tutorials/Workshops

For Call for Presentations, connect to:


The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following topics as they relate to the e-Learning and the technologies supporting e-Learning.

1. Sectors or Application Domains:
General & Cross-Domain
Health Care
Higher Education
Informal Learning (Museums, Communities, Homes)
Military Training
Professional Associations & Non-Profits

2. Major Topics relating to or technologically supporting E-Learning:
Content Development
Implementation Examples and Issues
Instructional Design
Policy Issues
Social and Cultural Issues
Standards and Interoperability
Tools and Systems


Submissions Due: April 29, 2009
Authors Notified: May 29, 2009
Proceedings File Due: Sept. 25, 2009
Early Registration: Sept. 25, 2009
Conference: Oct. 26-30, 2009

AACE--Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
P.O. Box 1545
Chesapeake, Virginia 23327 USA
Phone: 757-366-5606 * Fax: 703-997-8760
E-mail: conf@aace.org *

Thursday, January 22, 2009

2009 Horizon Report

The 2009 Horizon Report was released two days ago at the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. The annual Horizon Report is a collaborative effort between the New Media Consortium (NMC) and the ELI. Each year, the report identifies six emerging technologies that are likely to have a significant impact on higher education in the next one to five years. In addition, the report presents an overview accompanied by examples and suggested readings for each technology. The areas of emerging technology cited for 2009 are:
• Mobiles (i.e., mobile devices)
• Cloud computing
• Geo-everything (i.e., geo-tagging)
• The personal web
• Semantic-aware applications
• Smart objects

You can download the 2009 Horizon Report here or view the Web version.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The 17th International Conference on Computers in Education

ICCE 2009 Call for Paper

November 30, 2009 (Monday) to December 4, 2009 (Friday)

Hong Kong


Organized by the Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education


Hosted by the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong


Community Building of Frontiers in Computers in Education

ICCE 2009 will be a meta-conference for researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to connect with international research communities for the worldwide dissemination and sharing of ideas for research in the field of Computers in Education. Six coherently interrelated sub-conferences, of each is organized by its own program committee on a specialized theme, will be arranged in the five-day Conference. Researchers and graduate students are welcomed to participate in paper presentations (8-page full papers, 5-page short papers and 2-page poster papers), workshops, open forums, tutorials, doctoral student consortia, panel discussions and interactive sessions under the following six themes:

C1: ICCE Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education/Intelligent Tutoring System (AIED/ITS) and Adaptive Learning
C2: ICCE Conference on Computer-supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Learning Sciences
C3: ICCE Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Open Contents, and Standards
C4: ICCE Conference on Classroom, Ubiquitous, and Mobile Technologies Enhanced Learning (CUMTEL)
C5: ICCE Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning (DIGITEL)
C6: ICCE Conference on Technology, Pedagogy and Education

The six theme-based sub-conferences will foster the building of research communities in the field of Computers in Education. The meta-conference is anticipated not only allowing researchers to enhance their identity in the thematic research communities, but also bringing them the open-mindedness and inspiration for their future research.

The submission deadlines for the scholarly work for the Conference are listed below.

May 4, 2009: Conference Papers
May 4, 2009: Workshop Proposals
June 30, 2009:
Workshop Papers, Tutorial Proposals, Doctoral Student Consortium Papers, Panel Proposals, Interactive Sessions Proposals

July 31, 2009: Open Forum Proposals

ICCE2009 will be a 5-day program.
1st day:
Workshops, Tutorials, Doctoral Student Consortium Sessions
2nd day:
Workshop, Tutorial, Doctoral Students Consortium Sessions
3rd day:
Opening Ceremony, Invited Speaker Sessions, Parallel Sessions, Panels and Interactive Sessions
4th day:
Invited Speaker Sessions, Parallel Sessions and Panels and Interactive Sessions, Poster Sessions, Banquet
5th day:
Invited Speakers, Parallel Sessions, Panels and Interactive Sessions, Closing Ceremony

Please visit the official website at http://www.icce2009.ied.edu.hk for the full details of the Conference.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2009

The Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2009
(GCCCE, 第十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會) will be held May 25th through 28th, 2009, at
Taipei Howard International House. We look forward to your participation.

Deadline for submissions is February 15th, 2009.

For submission details and conference information, please refer to our conference website: http://www.gccce2009.org

Sunday, January 18, 2009


V International Conference on Multimedia and ICT in Education (m-ICTE2009), Lisbon (Portugal), 22-24 April 2009

Abstracts submission deadline: 27 January 2009/ Early registration deadline: 19 January 2009

The Conference will be structured in 9 sessions:

- Session 1: General Aspects and Assessment of ICT use in Education
- Session 2: Pedagogical Strategies in ICT Education
- Session 3: Methods and Environments for Education and Training
- Session 4: Educational Software/Webs Experiences
- Session 5: Technologies in the Service of Education
Special Session: Development and Application of Web 2.0 Technologies for Educational Purposes
- Special Session: Software Content Creation and Teaching and Learning Strategies in Science and Engineering
- Special Session: e-Portfolios
- Special Session: Medical e-Learning

All the topics covered by each session can be consulted in the Aims & Topics section at the Conference website.

If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please, click on the following link:



- 19 January 2009: Deadline for early registration

- 27 January 2009: Deadline for abstracts submission

- 10 March 2009: Registration deadline for participants who submit full papers to be considered for inclusion in the Proceedings Book

- 17 March 2009: Deadline for submission of full papers to be considered for inclusion in the Proceedings Book

All authors of accepted abstracts (independently of the presentation mode at the conference: oral, poster or virtual) will be able to submit 1 or 2 full papers (depending on the registration mode) to be considered for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Book (paper length: 5 printed pages)
The book will be distributed amongst all attendees during the Conference, and the whole content will be uploaded at the Conference website once the Conference has finished.

The authors of the best research papers presented at the Conference will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for publication in some special issues of collaborating journals which will be announced later.


In addition to the oral and posters presentations, a Virtual Participation mode has been established for those researchers unable to attend the Conference personally. These participants will be requested to send "virtual papers", which will be exhibited at the virtual participation online platform. These papers can be prepared using Power Point, Flash or similar software, or video recordings. Please consult the conference website for details.

MEDIA SPONSOR: elearningeuropa.info

elearningeuropa.info is a portal established by the European Commission to promote the use of multimedia technologies and Internet at the service of education and training. The site offers specific information, services and resources for four basic areas: schools, higher education, the world of employment and lifelong learning.

elearningeuropa.info is an open platform where the players and communities that use it can obtain information, share experiences, tell others about their projects and discuss ideas. More information at: www.elearningeuropa.info

Full details about the conference, including fees, accommodation, submission instructions and Lisbon useful information are available at the conference website: http://www.formatex.org/micte2009

For any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at micte2009@formatex.org

Aurora Solano

m-ICTE2009 Secretariat

FORMATEX Research Center

e-mail: micte2009@formatex.org


Phone: +34 924 25 86 15

Fax: +34 924 26 30 53

Thursday, January 15, 2009

2009 AECT/SICET Conference - Call for Proposals

The fifth SICET Annual International Convention will be held as part of the 2009 AECT International Convention 'Integrative Approaches: Meeting Challenges' in Louisville, Kentucky on October 28-31, 2009.

As one of the affiliates of AECT, SICET convention theme will be in conformity with AECT's - Integrative Approaches: Meeting Challenges. Given developments in research, technology, and society, professional practice in the various disciplines that comprise the AECT/SICET community continue to change and evolve. To meet the challenges posed by ongoing changes, we need serious and sustained efforts to (a) actively incorporate findings from multiple disciplines; (b) involve key stakeholders at multiple levels to transform education and training; (c) integrate technologies seamlessly into learning, instruction, and performance; (d) dynamically interweave research, practice, and theory development; and (e) demonstrate what works when and why with regard to improving learning, instruction, and performance. Meeting these challenges is an ambitious undertaking. The most one can do in a short period of time is to take a few steps. One of those steps can be participation in the AECT/SICET 2009 International Convention in Louisville.

There are six sub-themes around which this year's presentations will be organized:

1. Transforming Learning and Instruction
2. Linking Design and Development with Learning and Performance
3. Establishing the Benefits of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Approaches
4. Exploring New Media in Learning, Instruction and Performance
5. Assessing and Evaluating Educational Technology Applications
6. Integrating Social Networking and Distributed Media into Learning and Instruction

This is a great opportunity to share your experiences, expertise and knowledge with international scholars in the field of educational technology. The mission of SICET is to establish and strengthen academic international connections, exchanges, research, and studies in educational technology for teaching and learning, as well as to promote the application of educational technology in Chinese education. SICET encourages proposals from international Chinese scholars in order to improve research in this community, mentor those new to the field, and enhance connections and relationships between Chinese and international scholars. We welcome proposals on any topics of educational technology application, implication, and future trends, especially those that address culturally responsive instructional design, cross-cultural studies, and recent educational technology practice and research engaged by international Chinese scholars.

The SICET Board has approved the following exciting incentives for participation in the annual convention:

1. All presenters will be awarded a certificate of appreciation to recognize their academic achievement and their contribution to SICET.
2. SICET will offer a Best Presentation Award to a presenter who will present at SICET annual conference. The awardees will be chosen by evaluation scores from audience. The award recipient will receive a Certificate of Best Presentation at SICET general session.
3. In order to encourage student members to attend SICET annual conference, SICET will award the key student presenter for one-year SICET membership. If a presentation has multiple student presenters, only the first student presenter will receive one year membership for free. If the student has multiple presentations, he/she can receive one year free student membership only.
4. In order to involve all members in SICET development and build members' ownership, we are calling for conference proposal reviewers. Any member who is interested in serving SICET can apply to participate. If you are interested in being a proposal reviewer, email your short bio to Dr. Tina Wu at: wut@ccsu.edu. Applicants' qualifications will be reviewed by the Board. Conference Chair and the Board will lead and facilitate the review process.

AECT convention volunteer positions will be available for all student members to apply online at the registration time. If accepted, student will register with a special registration fee.

Proposals deadline: February 14 (30 days left)
Super Early Bird Registration ends on: February 9 (a $160 saving over the regular registration fee)

One more update... Workshop presenters who paid a pre-registration fee for AECT 2009 will be reimbursed. This means if you're submitting a workshop proposal, you still want to take the advantage of the Early Bird registration.

For details, please view SICET convention page at: http://www.sicet.org/conference/index.html

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact:
Dr. Yuxin Ma (yma@louisiana.edu)
Dr. Tina Wu (wut@ccsu.edu)